Hypno-Kitten's Hypnosis
A Small bit of History
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About the Hypno-Kitten (DreamSender)

My Long Hypnotic Life

I believe I first became interested in hypnosis after seeing the word "hypnotize" in My Grandmother's Webster's Dictionary. I thought that was the most interesting word my six-year-old eyes had ever seen! I knew by its complexity that I would have to be a bit older before I was able to fully explore the meaning.

Well...not MUCH older, for I hypnotized My first subject, a cousin, successfully at age 11. I played hypno-games with several cousins and classmates until I reached college. I learned more there by raiding the Psychology section of the University library.

I took My first professional hypnotist under when I was 17.

The gent actually thought I was name-dropping when I told him the name of the head of the psych lab, and that perhaps I did not know how to hypno, but was only attempting to impress. He got quite a surprise as I demonstrated the effect known as "intantaneous transport", where the hypnotic subject starts out awake in one place, then suddenly seems to be somewhere totally different, with no idea how he got there, as there was no apparent passage of time.

I met My now-separated husband shortly afterward, and naturally, we decided to use hypnosis for all of our children's births. After our last child was born, I finally went for My Certification in clinical hypnosis, as I felt I should have years before. It has now been nearly 20 years since My Certification in 1984 was approved by the California Professional Hypnotists' Licensing Board.
I recently updated My Certification by becoming an Internationally Certified and Accredited Hypnotist through the International Hypnosis Organisation, Licensed by and based in Falmouth, Cornwall, Commonwealth of The United Kingdom. You may find the IHO at:
During My professional career, I have done childbirth training, anger management, weight control, pain alleviation, spiritual journeys and most other common hypnotheraputic tasks.


I offer varied hypnotic/hypnotheraputic services through My several web sites. Check the Palace of Dreams link on front page for details.

The Palace of Dreams * W. Balmoral Ave. * Chicago IL * US * 60640-1201