Hypno-Kitten's Hypnosis
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Hypnosis heals.
Hypnosis opens the mind to new ideas.
Hypnosis is Extreme Mind Control in the proper hands.
I have that proper set of hands.
Above all, hypnosis is fun.
Would you like to have some Fun with Me?

I am a professional hypnotist with over 30 yrs experience in the field. I use hypnosis for a variety of purposes, from therapy to spiritual exploration.

The power of the human Mind is unimaginable. Under hypnosis, painless surgery has been performed, warts have been removed by the power of suggestion alone, and birth has turned from travail to joy for many expectant mothers. Come and explore this most ancient of Arts/Sciences with Me.

I am located now in the Midlands of England. 

E-mail: hypnomedia at inbox dot com

View My Profile at Audiostreet

Hypnosis and the Internet have met head-on, and the Web will never be the same. Online hypnosis via the medium of both text and voice are now available from various practitioners.


My Availabilty

I can sometimes be found on various Instant Messaging Systems, or on the Hypnomedia Chat system, found at: http://www.hypnomedia.info/webchat.html.  Subscribe to the Yahoo E-Group Hypnotic Headspace for room availability schedule.